Eldon Ray Diaz-Henderson » Directory of award recipients

Oklahoma Universal Human Rights Award Honorees

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Eldon Ray Diaz-Henderson

Biographical Info

“Eldon Ray Diaz-Henderson resides at the Joseph Harp Correctional Center. He is a prisoner of the State of Oklahoma.

Eldon participates in a program for inmates with learning disabilities. It is called the Total Family Development Daily Living Program. The program was launched with indispensable assistance from the Oklahoma Benedictine Institute on the campus of St. Gregory’s University in Shawnee.

As a result of participating in the Total Family Development Program, Eldon has seen changes in himself. He lists them: Needing to Work on My Self Image; Learning to Socialize; Openness; Honesty; Trust; Handling Painful Relationships; and Discovering Worthiness.

Eldon is being recognized with the 2015 Oklahoma Human Rights Award because he reminds us that human rights exist everywhere, for everyone. He reminds us that, because we have reason and conscience, we should act towards one another in a spirit of respectful solidarity.

Categories: 2015